Stopping the Wheel of Karma Training

Resolving the Root of All Problems in Your Life
Through Stopping the Karma Wheel Training

Discover the true secret of your karma.

Learn how to forever resolve and stop the biggest problems and worries in your life by recognizing and solving the root of all these issues.

Those interested in spiritual ascension to the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions will sooner or later face one of the most important and challenging issues there is, one that all people must confront: resolving or stopping their own karma.

75% of people incarnating on Earth carry a healthy dose of karma. Karma does not mean that it must activate immediately; karma means that it can activate at the right time. This happens when circumstances allow, when the soul needs to resolve certain tasks on its soul path, so it can then ascend.

Karma is the examination station on our spiritual soul path into the higher dimensions. Before we can ascend and anchor energies of a higher dimension in our light body, we must go through karmic tests, which are manifested in our reality through active karma.

Most people on Earth are unaware of their karma. They do not understand that they are often victims of their own karma. For karma means energetic debts from past incarnations that every person carries. However, it also represents an opportunity and a chance to rectify the soul’s past mistakes. In terms of karmic problems, we are not talking about the minor issues, but the big, painful chunks that we failed in our previous lives. These are the things that probably cost us the most pain and trauma and, in the worst cases, cost us our lives.

Therefore, resolving karma or halting the wheel of karma counts among our master tasks and tests as spiritual human beings, which are unavoidable.

If you want to live as a spiritual, happy, and conscious humn being, you must start by working off your energetic debts from past lives, by resolving your karma and thereby halting it. This is done by removing what remains of energetic debts in your karmic backpack. For only then can you spiritually ascend, only then can the low-vibrating karmic chunks be removed and dissolved from your light body.

To make this work and to apply it correctly in practice as a human being, we have provided, together with Isis and our galactic family, a special Karma Wheel Halting Tool. We precisely show step by step how one can permanently halt and thus stop their own karma.

Resolving karma, like the ascension process, is a long-term process where the correct approach is crucial. It’s not about understanding how the resolution process happens, but about how to manage this process on your own so that the wheel of karma is halted long-term and the pain or painful situations do not recur and torment you in your own life.

For many people do not understand their own karmic processes and suffer from them. Even more are overwhelmed by their own karma and cannot properly follow their soul plan. That’s why we provide this unique Karma Resolution Tool, precisely to protect one from these painful dangers.

In it, you will learn step by step in a video training how to recognize and properly resolve your karma, so that it will not burden and stop you in the future regarding certain issues.

This is about a very important learning process and the right attitude towards one’s own life. With this Karma Resolution Tool, you will apply it throughout your life to resolve all karmic problems that ever arise. For our karma is a part of us and accompanies us throughout our life, as long as we have properly resolved and healed all the karmic tasks that lie ahead.

This means living a conscious, happy, and content life, which is long-term the basis for energetic ascension into higher dimensions.

If you are ready to dedicate yourself to this spiritual task and support your energetic ascent into the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions in this way, then the Karma Resolution Tool by Osiris & Isis is the best spiritual solution for you.

You will get access to a video series in which I personally show you all the important steps on how to recognize and resolve your active karma. I explain all the important processes and show you techniques with which you can resolve your karma and thus the recurring suffering in your life.

The video coaching consists of a series of videos that explain all the steps in detail. Accompanying the videos are scripts in PDF format that describe everything precisely, so you can apply it yourself and in your life repeatedly.

For spiritual ascension, this is one of the most valuable and important tools, which Osiris & Isis have been using in their lives for many years. It also contains the wisdom and the secret of our galactic family, who supported us in this training.

To secure your spot in the video training, click the button below now and follow the instructions on the next page.

Click the button now to order!


Dieses Online-Training ist wirklich so ziemlich das beste das mir im Leben begegnet ist !!!!! Osiris beantwortet hier alle meine Fragen zum Thema Karma, Sinn des Lebens etc., die ich schon lange hatte und die mir leider bisher keiner beantwortet hat. Er ist wie immer üblich sachlich und neutral in der Aussage ohne zu moralisieren oder Schulgefühle zu erwecken. Es hat mir die Augen geöffnet, sodaß ich erstmals den Zusammenhang in meinem Leben erkennen konnte. Die Tips und Übungen sind praktisch und lassen sich wirklich gut und in relativ kurzer Zeit umsetzen!! Ich konnte mit seiner Hilfe einiges an Karma erkennen und auflösen. Nun habe ich erstmals im Leben wieder so etwas wie eine Perspektive. Es ist fast unglaublich was man alles damit erreichen kann. Ich empfehle dieses Online-Training wärmstens jedem, der weiter kommen möchte und sein Karma überwinden möchte. DANKE DANKE DANKE

Peter S.

Hallo Osiris & Isis. Ich Möchte mich Herzlichst bedanken Für Die Hilfe Die mir zugekommen ist. Mein Empfinden war in etwa vergleichbar als ob ich in einem Schneesturm auf einer Berg Strasse unterwegs gewesen bin. Ich konnte kaum den Weg erkennen und die Lichter meines Scheinwerfers Reflektierten auf den Schneeflocken. Daher war ich sehr langsam unterwegs und musste lange Raste einlegen, da ich sehr Übermüdet war. Der Schnee Sturm hat aufgehört. Die Hoffnung auf eine unbeschwertere Reise Hat mich neu beflügelt. Deine Video Reihe ist wie eine Wegbeschreibung. Und Sie ist sehr einfach gehalten und Präzise. Da ich einige dieser Wegmarkierungen auch erkennen konnte, hat es mich auch in meinem Selbstvertrauen gestärkt. Der Weg vom Kopf in das Herz, ist längste weg den ein Mensch beschreiten kann. Ich Danke Für Eure Arbeit Die Ihr mit Unseren Galaktischen Freunden zusammen leisten. Ein inneres Gefühl sagt mir das Menschliche Spezies bald an Ihrer Bestimmung angelangt ist. Und auf Diese Zeit Freue ich mich. Für Alle Die noch ein wenig verunsichert sind, auf was sie sich eingelassen haben, sei gesagt Sein : „Die Mutigen gelangen an das Ziel“ Was ich Persönlich noch empfehlen kann ist Die Video Reihe zum auflösen von Karma. Darin werden sehr Wertvolle Techniken vermittelt um Energetische Verstrickungen zu lösen. H❤️rzliche Grüsse an Alle Weg Gefährten Euer Peter

Resolving the Root of All Problems in Your Life
through the Karma Wheel Halting Training.

Discover the true secret of your karma.

Learn how to forever resolve and stop the biggest problems and worries in your life by recognizing and solving the root of all these issues.
Those interested in spiritual ascension to the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions will sooner or later face one of the most important and challenging issues there is, one that all people must confront: resolving or stopping their own karma.

75% of people incarnating on Earth carry a healthy dose of karma. Karma does not mean that it must activate immediately; karma means that it can activate at the right time. This happens when circumstances allow, when the soul needs to resolve certain tasks on its soul path, so it can then ascend.

Karma is the examination station on our spiritual soul path into the higher dimensions. Before we can ascend and anchor energies of a higher dimension in our light body, we must go through karmic tests, which are manifested in our reality through active karma.

Most people on Earth are unaware of their karma. They do not understand that they are often victims of their own karma. For karma means energetic debts from past incarnations that every person carries. However, it also represents an opportunity and a chance to rectify the soul’s past mistakes. In terms of karmic problems, we are not talking about the minor issues, but the big, painful chunks that we failed in our previous lives. These are the things that probably cost us the most pain and trauma and, in the worst cases, cost us our lives.
Therefore, resolving karma or halting the wheel of karma counts among our master tasks and tests as spiritual human beings, which are unavoidable.
If you want to live as a spiritual, happy, and conscious humn being, you must start by working off your energetic debts from past lives, by resolving your karma and thereby halting it. This is done by removing what remains of energetic debts in your karmic backpack. For only then can you spiritually ascend, only then can the low-vibrating karmic chunks be removed and dissolved from your light body.

To make this work and to apply it correctly in practice as a human being, we have provided, together with Isis and our galactic family, a special Karma Wheel Halting Tool. We precisely show step by step how one can permanently halt and thus stop their own karma.

Resolving karma, like the ascension process, is a long-term process where the correct approach is crucial. It’s not about understanding how the resolution process happens, but about how to manage this process on your own so that the wheel of karma is halted long-term and the pain or painful situations do not recur and torment you in your own life.

For many people do not understand their own karmic processes and suffer from them. Even more are overwhelmed by their own karma and cannot properly follow their soul plan. That’s why we provide this unique Karma Resolution Tool, precisely to protect one from these painful dangers.

In it, you will learn step by step in a video training how to recognize and properly resolve your karma, so that it will not burden and stop you in the future regarding certain issues.
This is about a very important learning process and the right attitude towards one’s own life. With this Karma Resolution Tool, you will apply it throughout your life to resolve all karmic problems that ever arise. For our karma is a part of us and accompanies us throughout our life, as long as we have properly resolved and healed all the karmic tasks that lie ahead.
This means living a conscious, happy, and content life, which is long-term the basis for energetic ascension into higher dimensions.
If you are ready to dedicate yourself to this spiritual task and support your energetic ascent into the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions in this way, then the Karma Resolution Tool by Osiris & Isis is the best spiritual solution for you.

You will get access to a video series in which I personally show you all the important steps on how to recognize and resolve your active karma. I explain all the important processes and show you techniques with which you can resolve your karma and thus the recurring suffering in your life.
The video coaching consists of a series of videos that explain all the steps in detail. Accompanying the videos are scripts in PDF format that describe everything precisely, so you can apply it yourself and in your life repeatedly.

For spiritual ascension, this is one of the most valuable and important tools, which Osiris & Isis have been using in their lives for many years. It also contains the wisdom and the secret of our galactic family, who supported us in this training.

To secure your spot in the video training, click the button below now and follow the instructions on the next page.


Click the button now to order!

Order the Karma Training now!


Peter S.

Hallo Osiris & Isis. Ich Möchte mich Herzlichst bedanken Für Die Hilfe Die mir zugekommen ist. Mein Empfinden war in etwa vergleichbar als ob ich in einem Schneesturm auf einer Berg Strasse unterwegs gewesen bin. Ich konnte kaum den Weg erkennen und die Lichter meines Scheinwerfers Reflektierten auf den Schneeflocken. Daher war ich sehr langsam unterwegs und musste lange Raste einlegen, da ich sehr Übermüdet war. Der Schnee Sturm hat aufgehört. Die Hoffnung auf eine unbeschwertere Reise Hat mich neu beflügelt. Deine Video Reihe ist wie eine Wegbeschreibung. Und Sie ist sehr einfach gehalten und Präzise. Da ich einige dieser Wegmarkierungen auch erkennen konnte, hat es mich auch in meinem Selbstvertrauen gestärkt. Der Weg vom Kopf in das Herz, ist längste weg den ein Mensch beschreiten kann. Ich Danke Für Eure Arbeit Die Ihr mit Unseren Galaktischen Freunden zusammen leisten. Ein inneres Gefühl sagt mir das Menschliche Spezies bald an Ihrer Bestimmung angelangt ist. Und auf Diese Zeit Freue ich mich. Für Alle Die noch ein wenig verunsichert sind, auf was sie sich eingelassen haben, sei gesagt Sein : „Die Mutigen gelangen an das Ziel“ Was ich Persönlich noch empfehlen kann ist Die Video Reihe zum auflösen von Karma. Darin werden sehr Wertvolle Techniken vermittelt um Energetische Verstrickungen zu lösen. H❤️rzliche Grüsse an Alle Weg Gefährten Euer Peter


Dieses Online-Training ist wirklich so ziemlich das beste das mir im Leben begegnet ist !!!!! Osiris beantwortet hier alle meine Fragen zum Thema Karma, Sinn des Lebens etc., die ich schon lange hatte und die mir leider bisher keiner beantwortet hat. Er ist wie immer üblich sachlich und neutral in der Aussage ohne zu moralisieren oder Schulgefühle zu erwecken. Es hat mir die Augen geöffnet, sodaß ich erstmals den Zusammenhang in meinem Leben erkennen konnte. Die Tips und Übungen sind praktisch und lassen sich wirklich gut und in relativ kurzer Zeit umsetzen!! Ich konnte mit seiner Hilfe einiges an Karma erkennen und auflösen. Nun habe ich erstmals im Leben wieder so etwas wie eine Perspektive. Es ist fast unglaublich was man alles damit erreichen kann. Ich empfehle dieses Online-Training wärmstens jedem, der weiter kommen möchte und sein Karma überwinden möchte. DANKE DANKE DANKE